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NextGenPCR™ MPXV Sequencing Library Prep Kit 96RXN

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NextGenPCR™ MPXV Sequencing Library Prep Kit 96RXN

The NextGenPCR™ MPXV Sequencing Library Prep Kit 96RXN is a sample amplification kit for whole genome sequencing of mpox virus (MPXV) in biological samples. The kit contains 88 primer oligonucleotide pairs in two premixed pools (Pool 1 and Pool 2), each directed at a unique 2.5 kB stretch of the MPXV genome, covering ≥ 99.9 %. With the NextGenPCR™ Arctic Fox HF Chemistry polymerase mix and our recommended cycling protocol, amplification of the MPXV genome can be completed in ≤ 45 minutes total cycling time. Reagents are provided for a total of 96 samples.

The MPXV Amplification Primer Panel – containing all primer sets – can be purchased separately (cat. #50025-1, available from Molecular Biology Systems) if a custom PCR setup is required.

Note: The NextGenPCR™ MPXV Sequencing Library Prep Kit 96RXN does not include the reagents or the instrumentation necessary to sequence amplified DNA products. These materials must be purchased separately from another vendor.

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Catalogue number: 50027-1

The NextGenPCR™ MPXV library preparation protocol was tested on 40 samples in close collaboration with Matthijs Welkers and Marcel Jonges from the Dept. of Medical Microbiology & Infection Prevention at Amsterdam UMC (location AMC), The Netherlands.

Using NextGenPCR™ MPXV library preparation up to 20 samples could be multiplexed in a single nanopore flowcell with greatly improved sequencing depth and coverage owing to its PCR tiling based target enrichment. This additionally results in lower costs per sample. The NextGenPCR™ MPXV library preparation method was successfully employed to sequence the first known case of MPXV infection in The Netherlands.

For more details, see also our NextGenPCR™ MPXV Amplification Primer Panel (96 reactions)




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